In Minddistrict platforms, configurations can be changed according to your needs. You, as the application manager, have the rights to do this. Not all configurations are available by default. The ones listed on this page are. These affect the options around professionalccounts.
Seeking other (default) configurations? Perhaps these are explained on one of our other support page, such as:
- Default available configurations for platform setup
- (Default) available configurations client accounts
In the 'Conversations' configuration, as an application manager, you can turn off the option to delete messages.
This option is activated by default and allows therapists to delete conversations. These are messages in which sensitive information has accidentally been sent to the wrong person.
If a therapist wants to delete a message, they have to go through a few steps. How this works is explained on a support page for practitioners under the heading 'Delete a message in a conversation'.
Removed messages task list
As soon as a therapist deletes a message, you, as an application manager, receive a task. This task can be found on your homepage, in the overview of tasks and in the 'Conversations' configuration.
In the end, all three options lead to the removed message task list. Here, the application manager permanently removes the message from the database. The deleted message log is then immediately updated at that point.
Because of the privacy of clients, the application manager does not have access to the text of the message. The application manager only sees which therapist deleted a message and at what date/time.
Deleted messages log
Have you clicked 'delete' in the deleted posts task list? Then this will be logged. The 'Deleted messages log' button takes you to the overview of all deleted messages.
Professional details
Allow manual updates
By default, this is set to 'Protect externally managed user accounts'.
This default configuration is especially important if accounts are created via an integration.
Application managers can choose between three settings in terms of manual updates:
- Never allow manual updates: Data in professional accounts cannot be modified in the platform.
- Protect externally managed user accounts: Professional accounts created from via an integration cannot be updates. However, created accounts within the Minddistrict platform can be updated.
- Always allow manual updates: (even if that overwrites externally managed accounts). Are accounts created via an integration? We recommend not using this option then.
Note: Be careful when changing these settings. The default configuration ensures that you do not manually update accounts created via an integration in the platform. This prevents a mismatch in the data in the external system and the Minddistrict platform. Was there a good reason to change this anyway? Always reset the setting immediately to the default setting.
Required "professional ID" field
Decide here whether the 'professional ID' field is mandatory or not. By default, this option is unchecked, making it an optional field.
It is advisable to check this option if there is an integration with an external system where the ID is a mandatory field (e.g. a delegated logon link).
Acces to clients
The options in these configurations concern the access that therapists have to clients outside their own caseload.
Temporary access
The default setting is 'Off' If this option is desirable, you can activate it here. The setting applies to all therapists in the platform.
Is the configuration activated? Therapists can search outside their own caseload. They are then given temporary reading rights in files of clients they are not assigned to. This can be useful in a crisis situation, for example.
Therapists searching outside their caseload do so in the 'Other clients' tab.
When searching outside the caseload, one should always provide a motivation. This information is logged in the Minddistrict platform. You, as the application manager, have access to this log.
More information on searching outside your own caseload can be found at this supportpage for therapists.
Therapists can relate themselves to clients
By default, this option is inactive.
Is this option activated? The therapist can relate themselves to a client outside their own caseload.
How this works can be found by therapists on this support page under the heading 'Temporary access to a client account outside your caseload'..
Client access log
Via the 'client access log' button, you will find an overview of all searches outside the caseload, temporary access, and when a therapists related themselves to a client.
The 'Details' button gives access to the specified motivation, the search terms used and the timeslot.
Note: the client can also see this data in the contact history (via profile -> my account). Point this out to therapists as well.