In Minddistrict platforms, configurations can be changed according to your needs. You, as the application manager, have the rights to do this. Not all configurations are available by default. Those listed on this page are. They influence the possibilities around setting up your platform and how it looks.


Via this configuration, you can control which contact information is used in a number of places in the platform and in the automated e-mails.

Be careful and think carefully about which information you put in the fields. For example, put in an e-mail address that is checked regularly to avoid questions (from clients or colleagues) remaining unanswered.
  • Name of the institution: this name is used as the sender in automated e-mails and can be seen in various places on the platform. Among others, on the login page.
  • Long name of the institution: when filled in, this name is used in a number of e-mails to users.
  • External service desk email address: E-mail address displayed in the footer of the platform as a contact address for questions or problems. Is visible to clients, on the login page and to logged-in professionals if no internal e-mail address has been added.
  • External service desk telephone numbe:  This is an optional field. Is a number entered? Then this is shown on the login page, to logged-in clients and professionals. The last will see this number only if no internal number has been entered.
  • Internal service desk email address: Email address shown to logged-in professionals, as a contact address, for technical questions or problems. Don't enter anything here? Then they will see the e-mail address from the external service desk field.
  • Internal service desk telephone number: Phone number displayed for technical questions or problems to logged-in professionals. If a number is entered here, the logged-in professional will see it in the platform footer.
  • Additional footer: Text that can be added to the footer. This will appear at the top of the footer, above the contact and copyright information. Here you can put information that should always be visible to users.
  • Name of the data protection officer (optional): This name can be found in the privacy statement.
  • Email address of the data protection officer (optional)This address is also shown in the privacy statement
Only if the fields 'Name of the data protection officer' and 'Email address of the data protection officer' are properly completed this data will be shown in the privacy policy.


In this configuration, you can provide information to users in two different places:

  1. On the inlog page you can put a text for users. The 'Header on login page' and 'Introduction' fields are displayed on the login page.
  2. Announcement This can be seen at more pages in the platform. You can make announcements for different urser groups here.
    2.1 You activate the announcement via the tick box.
    2.2.In the 'Announcement' field, type the text you want to be shown.
    2.3 Announcement user group: here you determine for which user group it should be visible:
    1. everybody (always): always shown on all pages. Both on the login page and after login.
    2. clients: only visible for clients (after login). Here you can, for example, announce new features in the platform that are of interest to clients.
    3. professionals: visible to professionals only after login. Use it, for example, to announce newly activated modules or highlight new features (see screen shot).
    4. guests: applicable only if your platform has the ability to invite guests into conversations.
    5. unauthenticated users (only when not logged in). Once a user logs in, this notification is no longer visible.
Every first Friday night of the month, we install new versions of the platforms. We also announce these in a notification that can be seen on the platforms. A few days ahead you will already see the announcement.


You can define labels to add certain information to user accounts or tools. For example, the name of GP practices or teams using the platform. You, as the application manager, decide which labels you want in this configuration. You add labels by clicking on the '+'. Furthermore, you specify where the labels can be assigned, to client accounts, professional accounts and/or tools..

This way a therapist working in multiple practices/teams can, for example, recognise the clients of the practice/team where they work 'today'.

Therapists and secretaries can add labels to clients' accounts when they create/change accounts. They can also select a label when assigning a tool to a client.

Application managers can assign labels to professionals.

The data analyst/officer can select labels in different export files. Does your organisation want to have data by department/team or practice? Then using labels is a convenient option to make this data available via the exports.


By default, the Minddistrict logo is displayed. You can upload your organisation's logo instead.

  1. Square logo: Maximum size is 600x600px. While uploading, you can crop the logo.Displayed on the homepage and in the menu bar (after login)
  2. Landscape logo: Displayed in various emails.
  3. Favicon: this is the little icon you see in the browser tab. Here you can only upload an .ico image.
Is only a square or only a landscape logo uploaded? Then in all cases, that logo is used on the homepage as well as in e-mails etc. The logo is just not used as favicon.


Bundles are used to assign several tools to a new client account at the same time. For example, a module and a diary or a module and a questionnaire.

A module that is often added to a bundle is a (tailor-made) welcome module.

Creating a bundel?

Click on the 'Bundles' tile in the configuration screen and then on '+Add'. This will take you to a page where you can create a bundle. 

This page looks like this:

  1. Give the bundle a name. When creating a client account manually, a bundle can be chosen to add tools immediately. The therapist/secretary sees the name(s) of the bundle(s) during account creation. Especially when more than one bundle is available, a clear name is important.
  2. In 'Interventions in bundle', select the titles you want to include in the bundle. These are in a list ordered by tool type: first the available diaries, then the modules, and then the other tool types such as monitoring or screening.
  3. Add this bundle by defeault to new clients. This option automatically assigns the selected bundle to new client accounts created via an integration. The bundle is pre-selected when creating accounts manually.
It is possible to create multiple bundles. It is only possible to select 1 bundles to be added to an account by default. It is not possible to add a bundle to an existing client account.


Using this configuration, you can specify whether you want to show users' visibility. For this, choose whether visibility is shown by default when users log in.

The visibility of users is visualised via a coloured circle around the profile picture of contacts. See also the screenshot below where the application manager and one other professional are online.

  • Green (=online)
  • Grey (=offline)
  • Red (=busy; only applicable in video calls)

Users (professionals as well as clients) can indicate themselves whether they want to be 'visible' or not.

This can be done through a slider they find when they click on their profile in the top right-hand corner.