(Large) files may need to be exchanged between Minddistrict and an organisation. Minddistrict has privacy and security high on its agenda. Below you will find more information about the safe exchange of data.
When to use scripts
If large numbers (>100) of accounts or relations need to be added or updated, Minddistrict can support this by facilitating a bulk import using a script.
If you are new to Minddistrict as a (sub)organisation and no accounts exist yet, the following scripts are relevant:
- Creating new client accounts
Aanmaken nieuwe professionalaccounts
- Creating treatment relationships
If your ( sub-)organisation is an existing Minddistrict customer and it is only about updating the existing accounts, the following scripts are relevant:
- Updating existing client accounts
- Updating existing professional accounts
Beneath, under 'providing data', you can see which data you have to send for this purpose. In which format and how it should be shared securely with Minddistrict.
Providing data and executing scripts
Depending on the type of script, you can send the required data to Minddistrict in an Excel file, divided into columns. This data can be retrieved from the application to you want to integrate with. In the following items on this page, you can see per script which data is required. We ask you to deduplicate this data based on the IDs of both the system to be linked and Minddistrict.
Because this document contains personal data, it should be shared securely with Minddistrict's developers. You can encrypt your document using PGP. Instructions for this can be found in the last item on this page. Discuss the planning of the running of scripts with your account manager.
Besides PGP, it is also possible to exchange data files via your own secure communication software. In case you use this as an organisation.
Before the script will be finally run, a test run will be done. The findings of this test run will be reported to the requester. Consider dropout accounts for which, for example, the new client ID is already in use. After the requester agrees to the findings of the test run, the final run will be performed.
PLEASE NOTE As the requesting organisation, you are fully responsible for the safe delivery of the correct data. This means that Minddistrict in no case bears responsibility for: - the consequences of insecure data sharing - the consequences of processing incorrect data
Which data to provide for new accounts
Specify whether a welcome e-mail may be sent to newly created client and/or professional accounts. Please give this information when sharing the Excel file.
Creating new client accounts
- Email address
- First name
- Infix
- Last name
- Client ID (of system to be integrated with)
- Date of birth [dd/mm/yyyy] *
- Gender [m/f/o/u] **
- Telephone number*
- BSN *
*Optional if these fields are not configured as mandatory in the platform.
**If gender is not specified, accounts are given the value 'unknown (u)'.
Creating new professional accounts
- E mailaddress
- First name
- Infix
- Last name
- Professional database ID (of system to be integrated with)
- MD-platform group in which this professional account should be placed. Usually, this will be the role Therapist, but it is also possible, if desired, to give an account to professionals with the other roles: Application manager, Data analyst, Data officer, Supervisor or Secretary.
Setting up treatment relationships
- Professional database ID (of system to be integrated with)
- Client database ID (of system to be integrated with)
Which data to provide for existing accounts
Updating existing client accounts
- Client database ID (Minddistrict ID: that long number in the URL)
- Client database ID (of system to be integrated with) ***
- E mailaddress (Not mandatory, but highly desirable for cross-checking purposes)
Updating existing professional accounts
- Professional database ID (Minddistrict ID: that long number in the URL)
- Professional database ID (of system to be integrated with) ***
- E-mailaddress (Not mandatory, but highly desirable for cross-checking purposes)
***According to an update process for the identifier. If another field has to be updated, this column is replaced by another field as defined above under 'New accounts'.
Setting up treatment relationships
- Professional ID
If not present: professional database ID (Minddistrict ID: the long number you can find in the URL) - Client ID
If not present: professional database ID (Minddistrict ID: that long number in the URL)
PGP tool voor veilig verzenden
Via this tool we provide, you can encrypt the Excel file and share it with us. To do so, follow the steps below.
- Go tor https://securetransfer.minddistrict.com/
- select the Excel file
- Select the correct receiver
- Click Encrypt. The file will now be secured and downloaded
- Send the file by e-mail to the e-mail address you received from us